wttWUB  <a href="http://rqwwpbbbewyo.com/">rqwwpbbbewyo</a>, [url=http://tkbugpqunoaf.com/]tkbugpqunoaf[/url], [link=http://gvvekcmqngew.com/]gvvekcmqngew[/link], http://bimzhmvtzwdx.com/
Apache-SSL+OpenSSL でも構築できるがモジュールとして使える mod_ssl+OpenSSL で構築することにする
*必要なパッケージの入手 [#vc9270ef]
apache_1.3.33.tar.gz -> http://www.apache.org/~
mod_ssl-2.8.22-1.3.33.tar.gz -> http://www.modssl.org/

*OpenSSLのインストール [#n46c7a4f]

*mod_sslのコンパイルとApacheのインストール [#y97d290d]
RedHat9でKerberosのヘッダが /usr/kerberos/include にあるためmakeエラーが発生します~
export CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/kerberos/include や export CPPFLAGS="-DOPENSSL_NO_KRB5" を試したけどうまくいかないので、以下のようにヘッダファイルをコピーしました

 # cp /usr/kerberos/include/*.h /usr/include
 # tar xvzf apache_1.3.33.tar.gz
 # tar xvzf mod_ssl-2.8.22-1.3.33.tar.gz
 # cd mod_ssl-2.8.22-1.3.33
 # OPTIM="-O2" ./configure --with-apache=../apache_1.3.33 --with-ssl=SYSTEM --enable-rule=SHARED_CORE \
 --with-layout=Apache --enable-module=so --enable-module=rewrite
 # cd ../apache_1.3.33
 # make
 # make certificate
 Signature Algorithm ((R)SA or (D)SA) [R]:R
 1. Country Name (2 letter code) [XY]:JP ... 国コード(日本なのでJP)
 2. State or Province Name (full name) [Snake Desert]:Shiga ... 州もしくは都道府県
 3. Locality Name (eg, city) [Snake Town]:Otsu ... 市区郡町村
 4. Organization Name (eg, company) [Snake Oil, Ltd]:Self ... 組織名や会社名
 5. Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [Webserver Team]:Engineer ... 組織内名称
 6. Common Name (eg, FQDN) [www.snakeoil.dom]:www.example.com ... サーバー名
 7. Email Address (eg, name@FQDN) [www@snakeoil.dom]:root@example.com ... 管理者メールアドレス
 8. Certificate Validity (days) [365]:365
 Certificate Version (1 or 3) [3]:3
 Encrypt the private key 2005-11-21 (月) 19:39:18 [Y/n]: y
 Enter PEM pass phrase: ... パスフレーズ
 Verifying password - Enter PEM pass phrase: ... 再入力
 RESULT: Server Certification Files
 o  conf/ssl.key/server.key
    The PEM-encoded RSA private key file which you configure
    with the 'SSLCertificateKeyFile' directive (automatically done
    when you install via APACI). KEEP THIS FILE PRIVATE!
 o  conf/ssl.crt/server.crt
    The PEM-encoded X.509 certificate file which you configure
    with the 'SSLCertificateFile' directive (automatically done
    when you install via APACI).
 o  conf/ssl.csr/server.csr
    The PEM-encoded X.509 certificate signing request file which
    you can send to an official Certificate Authority (CA) in order
    to request a real server certificate (signed by this CA instead
    of our demonstration-only Snake Oil CA) which later can replace
    the conf/ssl.crt/server.crt file.
 WARNING: Do not use this for real-life/production systems
 # make install

*セキュア・サーバID申請準備 [#a814a7ac]
 $ su
 ; 乱数ファイルの作成
 # openssl md5 * > rand.dat
 ; 秘密鍵の作成
 # openssl genrsa -rand rand.dat -des3 1024 > key.pem
 ; パスフレーズを2回入力
 # rm -f rand.dat
 ; CSR作成(ベリサイン入力用)
 # openssl req -new -key key.pem -out csr.pem
 ; さきほどのパスフレーズを入力
 Country Name : JP
 State or Province Name : Shiga
 Locality Name : Otsu
 Organization Unit Name : system-1
 Common Name : www.example.com
 Email Address
 A challenge password
 An optional company name
 ; key.pem, csr.pemは外部メディアに保管します
 ; csr.pemの内容よりベリサインからcert.pemを取得します
 # rm -f csr.pem
 # chmod 400 /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.crt/cert.pem
 # chmod 400 key.pem
 # mv key.pem /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.key

*httpd.confの設定 [#ob915c0d]
 # vi httpd.conf
 <IfDefine SSL>
 Listen 80  # HTTP用
 Listen 443 # SSL用
 ## ----- ここからの設定意味理解してません
 ## ----- とりあえずdefaultに書いてあったのでそのままコピー 
 ##  SSL Global Context
 ##  All SSL configuration in this context applies both to
 ##  the main server and all SSL-enabled virtual hosts.
 #   Some MIME-types for downloading Certificates and CRLs
 <IfDefine SSL>
 AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt
 AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl    .crl
 <IfModule mod_ssl.c>
 #   Pass Phrase Dialog:
 #   Configure the pass phrase gathering process.
 #   The filtering dialog program (`builtin' is a internal
 #   terminal dialog) has to provide the pass phrase on stdout.
 SSLPassPhraseDialog  builtin
 #   Inter-Process Session Cache:
 #   Configure the SSL Session Cache: First the mechanism
 #   to use and second the expiring timeout (in seconds).
 #SSLSessionCache        none
 #SSLSessionCache        shmht:/usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_scache(512000)
 #SSLSessionCache        shmcb:/usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_scache(512000)
 SSLSessionCache         dbm:/usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_scache
 SSLSessionCacheTimeout  300
 #   Semaphore:
 #   Configure the path to the mutual exclusion semaphore the
 #   SSL engine uses internally for inter-process synchronization.
 SSLMutex  file:/usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_mutex 
 #   Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG):
 #   Configure one or more sources to seed the PRNG of the
 #   SSL library. The seed data should be of good random quality.
 #   WARNING! On some platforms /dev/random blocks if not enough entropy
 #   is available. This means you then cannot use the /dev/random device
 #   because it would lead to very long connection times (as long as
 #   it requires to make more entropy available). But usually those
 #   platforms additionally provide a /dev/urandom device which doesn't
 #   block. So, if available, use this one instead. Read the mod_ssl User
 #   Manual for more details.
 SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
 SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
 #SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/random  512
 #SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom 512
 #SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/random  512
 #SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/urandom 512
 #   Logging:
 #   The home of the dedicated SSL protocol logfile. Errors are
 #   additionally duplicated in the general error log file.  Put
 #   this somewhere where it cannot be used for symlink attacks on
 #   a real server (i.e. somewhere where only root can write).
 #   Log levels are (ascending order: higher ones include lower ones):
 #   none, error, warn, info, trace, debug.
 SSLLog      /usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_engine_log
 SSLLogLevel info
 ## ----- ここからバーチャルドメイン設定
 NameVirtualHost *:80
 # HTTP用
 <VirtualHost *:80>
     ServerAdmin root@example.com
     DocumentRoot /home/user/public_html
     ServerName www.example.com
     ErrorLog /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log
     CustomLog /usr/local/apache/logs/access_log combined
 # SSL用
 <IfDefine SSL>
   <VirtualHost *:443>
       SSLEngine on
       SSLCertificateFile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.crt/cert.pem
       SSLCertificateKeyFile /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.key/key.pem
       ServerAdmin root@example.com
       DocumentRoot /home/user/ssl_public_html
       ServerName www.example.com
       ErrorLog /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log
       CustomLog /usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_access_log combined
      <Files ~ "\.(cgi|shtml|phtml|php3?)$">
          SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
      SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \
               nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \
               downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
      CustomLog /usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_request_log \
                "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b"

*再起動前の準備 [#da987caf]

 # openssl rsa -in /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.key/server.key -out /usr/local/apache/conf/ssl.key/server.key

apache起動時に -DEAPI うんちゃらで怒られます

-rc.local に記述している起動コマンドを startssl へ~
-mrtgでhttpdプロセス数を監視している場合は snmpd.conf ファイルを編集する必要があるかも


 $ /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -S

*Apacheの起動 [#w8fc4c9f]
 # /usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl startssl 
とめるときは stop で同じ

https:// でアクセスし画面が表示されればOK

*ネームベースからIPベースのバーチャルホストに移行する [#gbc82ed9]


 Port 80
 ServerName www.example.com
 DocumentRoot /www/example
 DocumentRoot /www/example2
 ServerName www.example2.com
 DocumentRoot /www/example
 ServerName www.example.com


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